Weight Loss tips


It is a time-honored tradition to make resolutions at this time of year. If your resolution is to lose weight - and keep it off, then keep reading! Here are six simple tips that will have you losing weight in a balanced and healthy way.

1. Lose weight with water.
Water is essential for everybody - it is also the key to losing weight. If you haven't been drinking enough water, your body has developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight.

By drinking more water, you are not only flushing out toxins, you are also teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. Drink at least 60 ounces of water (about 8 glasses) a day. Boil water and sliced lemons, and drink this throughout the day to help with fluid retention. If you are still not sold on the merits of water, try this on for size: water is a natural appetite suppressant.

2. Soup up your weight loss program.
A simple dietary change will have you shedding pounds: eat a bowl of soup at least once a day. Nutritious, low-salt soups will nourish you as they flush waste from your body. People who eat a serving of soup daily lose more weight than those who eat the same amount of calories but don't eat soup. Go for homemade soup whenever possible, as canned soups are loaded with salt and chemicals.

3. Eat early to keep weight off.
The human body follows a circadian rhythm, which means that the same foods eaten at breakfast and lunch are processed differently than when eaten at dinner. Studies show that when you eat your daily protein and fat at breakfast you tend to lose weight and have more energy; however, eating the same things at dinner tend to increase tendencies toward weight gain. I suggest that you eat your last meal of the day by 7 p.m.

4. Eat smaller meals, more frequently.
Follow an eating schedule with five little meals every day. Eating steadily through the day keeps you from becoming famished and overeating at your next meal. Make a low-fat trail mix from raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, dried plum, and apples and have it available at all times to avoid the tempting lure of high-calorie snacks.

5. Adopt a balanced approach to your diet.
Most of the fad diet programs out there nowadays are extreme in a few recommended foods, or else deprive the body of food altogether. This works in opposition to our metabolism and the results usually don't last, producing a yoyo effect that depresses your metabolic function - not to mention your self-esteem. We are natural beings that need a balance of nutrition from all sources.

Your diet should consist of a balance of organic sources of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead of white rice and pasta, opt for brown rice, bulgur, millet, or buckwheat.

Eat more green, chlorophyll-rich foods such as broccoli, kale, spinach, and asparagus. Eliminate candy, sugar, soda, and all simple sugars from your diet. Excess sugar ends up being stored as fat in your body, which results in weight gain. Also, keep dairy to a minimum because most dairy products are high in saturated fat. Avoid fatty foods, processed or fried foods.

6. Walk off the weight.
The No. 1 cause of weight gain is inactivity. Physical activity is the key to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. The best way to be physically active is to use your legs! Walk as often and as long as you can. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Step outside during your break at work and take a walk around your building. Consider joining a local hiking club. Try taking a walk 30 minutes in the morning or 30 minutes in the early evening.

I hope this article helps you shed some pounds and add on the years!

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

most excellent and Worse Foods for Blood Pressure


High blood pressure, or hypertension is estimated to be responsible for 7.1 million deaths every year worldwide. are you about to become a statistic? What are you eating?

According to research, Western-style dietary habits are the number one reason for essential hypertension, or high blood pressure. Think about it: People living in rural areas of China, Brazil, and Africa show no signs of essential hypertension, even with advanced age.

There are foods that can help this condition and then there are foods that should absolutely be avoided. Read on to find the foods that improve your blood pressure!

Foods to choose
Every day, you should eat a balanced array of fresh wholesome fruits and vegetables of all colors. The foods below will bring your blood pressure extra benefits!

1. Fish: Of all animal products, fish is the healthiest, owing to its high protein and low fat content. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish, along with other nutrients, protect blood vessels from plaque, reduce inflammation, and prevent high blood pressure.

2. Flaxseed oil: Flaxseeds, like fish, are full of omega-3 fatty acids that protects your blood vessels from plaque.

3. Celery juice:

A time-tested Chinese remedy for high blood pressure is celery juice, which can be made with a blender or a juicer. Two to three 8 oz glasses a day for a month can help prevent high blood pressure or restore it to normal. In addition, celery is known to prevent gout and other arthritic conditions. Studies have found that this stalk is packed with over a dozen anti-inflammatory agents, including apigenin, a cox2-inhibiting compound similar to some anti-inflammatory drugs. Who knew celery was more than just a garnish?

4. Olive oil:

Olive oil, long a staple of the Mediterranean diet, has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood lipids and may also lower blood pressure. According to a recent study, "Olive oil intake is inversely associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure." Translation: consuming more olive oil is linked with lowered blood pressure. Use olive oil for cooking and on salads.

5. Apple cider vinegar:

Vinegar alkalizes the body and lowers your blood pressure. First thing in the morning, when your stomach is empty, drink 8 ounces of warm water mixed with 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp honey regularly. The honey ensures regularity of bowel movement, which is helpful since constipation constipation may aggravate high blood pressure.

6. Cucumber:

A natural diuretic, cucumber will help hydrate and lower the pressure in the arteries. Eat 2 fresh cucumbers every day for 2 weeks.

Also, an extraordinary blend of Chinese herbs that supports your circulatory and heart health is Super Clarity.

Foods to avoid — and what to choose instead
In general, for healthy blood pressure cut back on salt, caffeine, white flour, alcohol, deep-fried food, nicotine, preservatives, sugars, and artificial flavoring and coloring. Specifically, here are the main offenders to avoid:

1. Salt: Sodium has long been implicated in chronic ailments such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Additionally, recent studies have shown that increased salt intake is proportional to an increase in cancers of the stomach, esophagus, and bladder.

Swap for: Herbs and spices.

Your best choices are fennel, garlic, ginger, oregano, black pepper, basil and tarragon, all of which possess active ingredients that are beneficial for hypertension. Vinegar is another flavorful option.

2. Coffee: For people who don't consume caffeine on a regular basis, caffeine can cause a temporary but sharp rise in blood pressure. Exactly what causes this spike in blood pressure is uncertain. Some researchers have suggested that caffeine narrows blood vessels by blocking the effects of adenosine, a hormone that helps keep them widened. Caffeine may also stimulate the adrenal gland to release more cortisol and adrenaline, which causes your blood pressure to increase.

Swap for: Green tea

Scientific studies point to green tea as a food that can help reverse some of the risk factors associated with heart disease, including high blood pressure and abnormal blood clotting. Much of the research on green tea has been conducted in Japan, where men and women drink a high daily intake of green tea, and also have one of the lowest incidences of heart disease in the world.

3. Refined Sugar:

The average American consumes nearly 240 pounds of sugar per year. Most of the excess sugar ends up being stored as fat in your body, resulting in weight gain and elevating heart disease and cancer risk. Sugar makes blood pressure rise, especially in people who are overweight.

Swap for Honey
Honey contains vitamins and minerals that are lacking in refined table sugar, making it much healthier for you. Instead of refined sweets, go for the natural delicious flavors of fresh fruit and berries.

4. Alcohol:

Several studies have found that drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Also, keep in mind that alcohol contains calories and may contribute to unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Worse still, alcohol can interfere with the effectiveness and increase the side effects of some blood pressure medications.

Swap for: Non-alcoholic drinks.

Filtered water with a lemon or lime is going to be much better for your health in the long run.

High blood pressure is a condition with serious consequences; don't stop taking any prescribed medications and work with your physician before making drastic changes to your diet.

I hope you find which foods to choose and which foods to lose!

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

Tricks to Improve Your Memory


An intricate and complex function of the brain, requires millions of neurons to operate in perfect harmony. As we age, we experience memory glitches in which spontaneous memory loss occurs, such as when you can't recall something that is at the tip of your tongue.

Aging causes neuron loss, which can impact your memory of recent events. You might forget where you left your keys or the name of a person you just met. While this is a normal slip due to aging - or even due to an overtaxed mind, there are more serious non-age related types of memory loss. One is when you forget how to do things that you've done many times before or are unable to learn new things. Memory loss that gets progressively worse is also serious. Possible causes of memory loss include depression, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and other neurodegenerative brain disorders, side effects from certain drugs, stroke, trauma, and alcoholism.

If you're experiencing less serious memory loss, like having a few more senior moments lately or you are more forgetful than usual, try these memory-improving tips and tricks. (These tips and tricks for less serious memory loss. If you think you might be experiencing a more serious kind, see your physician.)

1. Don't forget to be aware
We do so many things automatically: We come home, we throw the keys down, we sit down on the couch, we flip on the television — and many of these actions are done without thinking. Then, the next morning, halfway out the front door, we may suddenly realize we have no idea where the keys are.
This exercise is a helpful memory device: Become aware and be observant of everything. Wherever you put your keys, be aware of it. Be conscious of every little action that you do. And as you're doing each thing, you can reinforce it by making a mental note to yourself: "I just put my keys on the kitchen table." When you do this on a daily basis, this will increase your ability to remember things. Sometimes it is not so much that you're aging, it's just that you're too busy to pay attention.

2. Organized in life, organized in mind
When you are organized in your house, you are organized in your mind. Designate a special area for all items. If you take the tool out of the toolbox, always put the tool back in the toolbox where it belongs. Choose a space where you will collect bills or checks — and put them in the same place every time. Having this organization will not only help you remember, it will save precious memory space for you to fill with more important things.
And if you want to not forget to do certain things, make sure you write it down — list-making is another organizational device that helps your memory. Better still, do what you need to do now and don't procrastinate, because memory is fleeting even to the most brilliant, vital person.

3. Seeing is remembering
Another trick to help you to remember things is to see them. Many people are visual and remember better with a visual reminder. If there are certain things that you need to work on, put the document out where you're going to see it and remember to work on it. Or leave yourself a note on the breakfast table where you will be sure to see it. Keep what you need within your visual field and you won't forget!

4. Herbal teas to remember
Many herbs and supplements have been researched and found to help improve your cognitive capabilities. Sit back and let these herbs keep your brain young and your memory sharp:
§ Green tea prevents an enzyme found in Alzheimer's disease and is also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that help prevent premature brain aging. Drink two cups a day to get the brain benefits.

§ The leaf of the ginkgo tree is shaped like a human brain, and some believe this is why, in Asia, it has always had a reputation of benefiting the mental processes. A dwindling memory and decreased concentration is largely caused by decreased blood flow to the brain and loss of brain cells; ginkgo has been confirmed to boost circulation to the brain and other organs, improving memory and cognitive functions. If you are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking ginkgo.

§ Western medicine has recently become aware of a nutrient extracted from Chinese club moss that helps to improve learning, memory retrieval, and memory retention. The moss, Huperzia serrata, yields a substance called Huperzine A that is similar to drugs used to control Alzheimer's disease. The Chinese have used it to boost memory, and it is usually brewed as tea and given at a dose of one or two cups per day. Look for it in a health food store or Asian grocery. You can steep the moss itself in hot water, one teaspoon per cup, and drink as a tea, or you can take 50 mcg twice a day in capsule form. Because of its potent actions, you should only take Huperzine A under the supervision of your doctor.

§ A customized blend of Chinese herbs, featuring some of the herbs listed above, that promotes a clear and focused mind and a sharp memory is Super Clarity.
I hope you find your days more memorable for many years to come! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you living healthy and happy

The Secrets for Lifelong


Healthy loving lengthens your life span; it's nature's fountain of youth. Intimacy raises your levels of endorphins, DHEA, and growth hormone, which increase longevity. Simultaneously, lovemaking lowers levels of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol which decrease your life span.

While healthy loving adds years to your life, it also takes years off your face, making you actually look younger. Studies show that people who are highly satisfied with the quality and quantity of their sex lives looked 4 to 7 years younger than their peers. This no doubt results from reduced stress, greater happiness and contentment, and better sleep — in addition to the hormonal and chemical changes that satisfying sex can bring.
An active love life is good for both your health and your relationship. In fact, people who enjoy regular intimacy live longer. To boost your libido naturally,

here are 7 foods and herbs that heat up passion:

1. Oats promote libido lift
Besides its reputation for lowering cholesterol the common oat plant, Avena sativa, has long been considered a sexual tonic. Oats contain a nutrient called avenacoside, a substance that supports healthy testosterone levels by freeing bound-up, inaccessible testosterone and making it available to your system. The percentage of testosterone that is inaccessible rises with age. A healthy level of testosterone lifts the libido of women as well as men, and increases muscle strength, endurance, and mental capacity.

2. Flax to fix your sex life
Flaxseed, also called linseed, contains a rich supply of lingams in its hull. Lingams are phytoestogens that improve levels of good estrogens such as estradilo, which protects women from heart disease, bone loss, and vaginal dryness. It is also helpful in maintaining a healthy ratio of testosterone to its bound cousin, DHT. Optimal testosterone levels are crucial to a raised sex drive for women and men. Studies have found other benefits from lignans, including the ability to prevent hair loss and acne, keep cholesterol and blood sugar in balance, and act as potent antioxidants. Flax oil contains small amounts of lignan, so your best bet is to grind your own flaxseed, hulls and all, and take one tablespoon daily. Sprinkle over your breakfast cereal or mix into a smoothie.

3. Nuts and seeds for a sexual boost
Traditional Chinese herbal therapy prescribes nuts like walnuts, almonds, and chestnuts along with sesame and hemp seed as tonics for sexual vigor. Even recent studies show that nuts and seeds are rich in the amino acid arginine, which appears to restore declining levels of growth hormone to a range typical of the prime years, thereby boosting sexual and mental functions. To give a boost to your sex life, you can take 6 to 10 grams of arginine daily in supplement form — or just snack on a handful of mixed nuts and seeds every day. Other arginine-rich foods include eggs and meat.

4. Histidine increases arousal
Abundant in poultry, saltwater fish, meat, eggs, and soy, histidine is a semi-essential amino acid that can help increase sexual arousal. Women who take histidine an hour before sexual activity experienced enhanced arousal and intensified feeling. The same amino acid may benefit older men's sexual performance as well. As a supplement, typical dosage is around 500 mg a day, but it is best to get histidine from food sources.

5. Spice up your love life emotional disorders
Pungent, spicy foods — garlic, onions, chives, cinnamon, ginger, peppers, coriander — can activate arousal centers and increase blood flow to the lower body. Cardamom, in particular, is a spice with libido-perking properties. A stimulant with a positive effect on overall well-being, cardamom is used as both as a tonic for the body and as an antidepressant for emotional disorders. And orchid bees are drawn to cardamom, using it to synthesize pheromones. Thanks to this combination of properties, it is often prescribed by Chinese doctors, in doses up to 5 grams daily, to revitalize sexual desire.

6. Smells for sexual excitement
Studies have found that certain smells can excite a man sexually and increase blood flow to the penis. These include pumpkin pie, black licorice, and vanilla. Use that mm-mmm cooking smell to perk up your sex life!

7. Horny goat weed
Thousands of years ago, Chinese shepherds noticed that goats, after eating a certain weed, would become sexually energized and active. The same weed was used as a traditional remedy for disorders of the kidneyl, joints, adrenal glands, and liver. The patients got well, but that wasn't all! Soon Chinese doctors began prescribing it to increase libido and sexual function. It is now believed to promote blood flow to the reproductive organs and mimic the effects of sex hormones. Considered a longevity herb, horny goat weed stimulates the sensory nerves and increases sexual desire in both men and women by supporting essential neurotransmitters that play a role in sexual arousal. For successful results, it must be taken daily. The herb is available in health food stores, online, and from Asian pharmacies and acupuncturists, often times in a formula with other natural libido-boosters.
Other herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine for lifting libido and improving sexual energy are cnidium (or snake's nest seed), schisandra fruit, and morinda. You can find a formula with all of these and more to improve your sex life. Look into Feminine Desire for women and Male Dragon for men.

I hope this article helps you enjoy all the benefits of sexual intimacy! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you stay healthy, live long, and live happy!

7 Pointers to Lift a Bad Mood


No one can live a long and healthy life without the will to go on; sometimes mood swings can make us feel that life is too much for us.
A bad mood not only gives you a gloomy outlook, it also lowers your immune function, leading the way to illness. Here are some suggestions to lift your mood, your spirit, and your health.

1. A Laughing Matter
"Laugh Therapy," pioneered by Norman Cousins, has turned out to have real substance. Research has discovered that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help defend the body from illness and cancer.
Laughter also increases the release of endorphins - compounds that give you a sense of well-being - in your brain. Without a doubt, joyful people live longer and healthier lives. So read your favorite comics, watch your favorite comedies, and laugh it up!

2. Amino Acid for Restored Mindset
When an imbalance or deficiency is creating a bad mood, the Europeans use supplements of a natural compound found in human cells to regulate mood and restore a healthy mindset. SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is produced from methionine, an amino acid that plays a role in the production of uplifting neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
One study indicated that SAMe worked on patients who had unsuccessful results with conventional antidepressants. To get a boost from SAMe, take a supplement combining it with vitamins B6 and B12.

3. Hands-On Healing
Human touch increases the production of endorphins, growth hormone, and DHEA, all of which lengthen your life span and lower the negative impact of stress. Studies have found that patients who are regularly touched recover faster than those who are not touched. So give someone a hug and feel both of your moods improve.

4. Boost Your "Youth Hormones"
You don't need pills to flood your body with a rejuvenating flood of growth hormones. Research has found that doing squats and leg presses will greatly increase your natural production of the "youth hormone". Increased growth hormone translates to an elevated mood, among other physical benefits. Keep it up with weight training, knee bends, push-ups, and rowing.

5. Take a Bracing Breath
Breathing correctly is important for dispelling the toxins and wastes from your body; in fact, it is estimated that we expel only about 30 percent of toxins in our bodies through the bowels and bladder-the rest is all respiratory. Breathing is also a great way to clear your mind, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic, breathing daily with mind-body disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, qigong, and meditation.

6. Smell the Joy
Research has shown that smell has a definite impact on our bodies and minds. When you stimulate the olfactory nerves inside your nose, you activate the limbic system of your brain, which is associated with moods and memory. This concept is instrumental to aromatherapy, a natural health tradition that makes use of the healing powers of plants with strong scents.
Aromatherapy recommends treating depression with jasmine, eucalyptus for exhilaration, and grapefruit to increase alertness and joy. Just put a dab of the essential oils from these plants on your temples, back of your neck, or acupressure points. Another option? Boil the herb in water and inhale the steam through your nose.

7. Feel Fine with Flowers
There is a reason that flowers are the traditional get-well gesture. Colorful flowers have a powerful influence on moods; they can uplift a patient's mood and even combat stress. One study found that during a five-minute typing assignment, people sitting next to a flowering bouquet were more relaxed than those who sat near foliage-only plants.
I hope these tips help the good feelings flow! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

Top 5 Habits to Increase Longevity

Is it really possible for anyone to live happily to 100? The good news is that your body was designed to be 100 - you just have to get out of the way.
Getting out of the way means taking an honest look at the habits and lifestyle you are living with today. Most of us have developed habits that limit our true health potential.

But don't let these bad habits of the past discourage you - it is never too late to make new choices. What you did in the past can be changed, and your body will respond in kind. What matters is what you do from this moment forward.

Top 5 Daily Habits for Your Longevity

It takes 14 to 21 days of repetitive behavior to form a new pattern in your brain. Once the pattern is formed, it becomes an automatic behavioral response.

As you develop new healthy habits, they will begin to replace bad habits. These healthy lifelong habits are adapted straight from the time-tested traditions practiced by centenarians all around the world, and I can say with certainty that they will transform and rejuvenate you!

Eat five small meals a day.
In the Western culture, meals are taken three times a day, but it is much better to eat five smaller meals. When you eat smaller portions five times a day, you deliver a steady stream of nutrients, blood sugar, and energy to your body throughout the day.

Additionally, eating this way is less taxing on the digestive and metabolic systems and also reduces your risk of heart disease.

Climb the stairs instead of using elevators.
The health benefits of a daily exercise program cannot be stressed enough. Regular exercise can help promote physiological well-being, strengthen the immune system, maintain joint mobility, increase energy - and the list goes on.

Look for opportunities all through your day to work in physical activity. Power-walk, run, or ride your bike instead of driving. Begin a daily tai chi practice. Join a gym and actually go! Practice safely and watch your health results pile up.

Laugh it up!
We know from research that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help protect the body from illness and cancer. Laughter also increases the release of endorphins, compounds that give you a sense of well-being, in your brain. Without a doubt, joyful people live longer and healthier lives.
Drink 8 glasses of water every day.
Water is essential for all healthy body functions. Centenarians from around the globe cite their native water as the source of their health and longevity - and the scientists agree with them. What they all have in common is pure water sources located far from any city, free from chemicals and toxins.
Choose filtered water; the best filtration processes are the ones that use activated charcoal, which removes the impurities but leaves the water-soluble minerals. Also, do not store water in plastic containers because the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can leach into the water.

Unwind with meditation.
Stress is the root cause of most of the diseases that shorten our life span. In our modern society stress will continue to increase - unless you find techniques to manage it. Meditation is the best way to release tension and revitalize your being. It teaches you to breath properly, which is critical for eliminating up to 70% of your body's toxins and wastes. It also quiets your mind, lowers your stress hormones, and teaches self-discipline, which is a necessary attribute to achieving your health and longevity goals.

Try this beginning meditation:
Sit comfortably on a chair or the floor. Breathe naturally and close your eyes. Each time a thought appears, put it inside a balloon and let it fly up into the sky and disappear. Do this until the thoughts are exhausted. After a bit, your body will feel very light, and your mind will become still. The first few times it may take a while, but it will get easier and faster with practice.
I hope you use these healthy habits for years to come! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

Tips For Better Sleep

I often have trouble with insomnia — either I can't fall asleep, or I awake prematurely and am unable to get back to sleep. The following sleep tips, compiled from various sources, may prove helpful to some of fellow insomniacs.

· Only use your bed for sleeping or having sex, not for reading, doing paperwork, watching TV, snacking, or making phone calls.
· If you've been lying in bed but are beginning to fear you're not going to drop off, try some of these techniques: Count sheep or count backwards from 100 (one of my favorites) to stop yourself from thinking about the problems of yesterday or tomorrow; breathe deeply for awhile; or visualize some peaceful place.
· If you can't get to sleep after lying in bed for 30 minutes or more, get up for awhile. What to do? Try reading something incredibly boring.
· Develop a bedtime routine.
· Keep regular bedtime hours.
· Before bedtime, avoid tobacco and caffeinated beverages (not just coffee, but other drinks like tea, cola, and Dr. Pepper).
· Avoid alcohol right before bedtime — a nightcap might get your mind fuzzy enough to put you to sleep, but such sleep may be interrupted by periods of awakening. By contrast, the stress-lowering effect of a drink with dinner may help to promote sleep later.
· Avoid naps (or falling asleep in front of boring TV programs, as I do).
· Try to get up at the same time every day rather than sleeping in on weekends.
· Exercise every day, but not shortly before bedtime since exercise gets the adrenaline going.
· If you use an illuminated clock for a wakeup alarm, place it where you can't keep looking at it to check the time.
· Buy a firm mattress and keep your bedroom well ventilated (a cool temperature works best for me).
· And you might also try some of these: a warm bath, warm milk, light bedtime snack, massage, or quiet music (which turns itself off automatically).
· Use earplugs for extreme quiet.
· If you have a painful joint or a headache, take a pain pill before bedtime (but be sure it doesn't contain caffeine).
· Avoid stimulating reading or television shows late at night.

If the insomnia stubbornly persists, check with your doctor to make sure some underlying health problem (such as depression, anxiety, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) isn't keeping you awake. If all is well, you might ask for one of the several types of prescription sleeping pills that can be useful in the short term.
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