Meal that struggle fat


Want to lose weight as you chow down? Your wish is granted! Your supermarket is filled with foods that studies show have lipid-melting powers to help melt fat and keep you slim. Stock up on these fat-fighting super bites, and you'll be trimmer even as you indulge. Read on to discover the eight foods that deserve a permanent spot in your fridge—and in your diet!

Strawberries, raspberries and other vitamin C–spiked fruit can supercharge your workout, helping you burn up to 30 percent more fat, research from Arizona State University at Mesa has found. If they're not in season, buy the little gems frozen in a bulk-sized bag so you'll always have them on hand to whip up a Berry Bliss Smoothie or Strawberry-Sunflower Pops, regardless of whether berries are in season.

Adding 1/4 teaspoon to your plate may prevent an insulin spike—an uptick that tells your body to store fat. Sprinkle it on your morning cereal or coffee or on your yogurt in the A.M., or savor it in Apple-Cinnamon-Raisin Oatmeal.

It's heaven on a soft pretzel, but mustard may also be a weight loss wonder. Turmeric, the spice that gives mustard its color, may slow the growth of fat tissues, a study in the journal Endocrinology finds. Use it on sandwiches instead of mayo, or sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower pre-roasting to give it a kick. Try it on tuna salad—I promise it adds zest.

This citrus fruit, which contains fat-blasting compounds known as flavones, deserves to be your main squeeze. Women who ate the most flavones had a much lower increase in body fat over a 14-year period, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition notes. Eat oranges sliced or swig fresh OJ (including pulp!) to get the best benefit from the fruit.

These yummy nuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can accelerate your metabolism of fats. In fact, dieters who ate 3 ounces of almonds daily slashed their weight and body-mass index by 18 percent, while those who skipped the nuts reduced both numbers less— just 11 percent—a study in the International Journal of Obesity revealed. Chomp almonds à la carte (limit yourself to 12 per serving to keep calories in check). I get a pack at Starbucks and nibble throughout my day. Or sprinkle them into a recipe such as Black Bean–Almond Pesto Chicken. Go nuts!

Reason to toss a half cup on your salad? Soybeans are rich in choline, a compound that blocks the absorption of fat and breaks down fatty deposits. Oh, and they're addictively delish! But if breast cancer runs in your family, experts suggest you should talk to your doc before adding soy to your diet.

Sweet potatoes
The colorful spuds' high-fiber content means they keep your insulin steadier than their white sisters, which means less fat packed on your hips, research finds. Top a small baked tater with low fat cottage cheese for a tempting side dish, or whip up Miso Soup With Sweet Potato Dumplings.

Swiss cheese
Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown, and Swiss has more calcium than many of its cheesy peers. Choose the reduced-fat variety, such as Sargento. Slip it into your sandwich, put it on top of high-fiber crackers or use it for a healthier grilled cheese. Yum!

Softening facial masks

Hot oily facial mask
You will need: 30g. vegetable oil, olive oil or almond oil. Warm up the ingredients and apply the mixture to a cotton pad or a cloth. Apply to the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Cover your face with a towel and relax for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with water and apply moisturizer or a softening face cream.

Honey facial mask
You will need: 75g. acacia honey, 2 tbsp almond oil, one yolk egg, rosewater. Mix the ingredients well and add 3 tbsp rosewater. Stir until the mixture gets thick and apply generously to the face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then remove the mask.

Yoghurt facial mask
You will need: 3 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp tomato juice, 3 tbsp yoghurt, 1 tbsp flour. Mix the ingredients until well blended and apply generously to the whole face using a cotton pad. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off.

Egg facial mask
Beat one yolk egg and gently rub it on to your skin. After 15 minutes remove it with a sponge and rinse the face with lukewarm water.

Facial mask of linseed flour
Add 5 tbsp linseed flour to 200g. milk and stir till it gets thick. Then add 1 tbsp olive oil. Apply liberally to the face and neck and leave it on till it dries. Rinse your face with warm water and apply moisturizer. The mask is appropriate for dry and faded skin.

Tightening Facial Masks

Tightening facial masks

Egg facial mask for open pores
Beat one egg white and using a cotton pad apply generously to the whole face. When it dries, apply a second layer and after 30 minutes remove the mask and apply a hydrating cream.

Herbal facial mask
You will need: 25g. lavender, 15g. chamomile, 10g. rosemary.
Boil a pan and add all the ingredients. After 20 minutes remove the pan from the oven and apply the mixture to the face while it is still warm. Cover your face with a towel and relax for about 10 minutes. Rinse your face with lukewarm water and apply a thick layer of nourishing face cream.

Clay facial mask
You will need: 25g. clay and 4 tbsp rosewater. Mix the ingredients until well blended and spread the mask on your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then remove the mask with a sponge. It is essential to apply face cream straight after the clay mask because sometimes it may seriously dry your skin.

Flour facial mask
You will need: 3 tbsp flour, fresh lemon juice and a tomato. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice and 2 tbsp tomato juice to the flour and blend well. Spread the mask over your face and remove it after 30 minutes. The mask is appropriate for oily skin with blackheads.

Garlic Mask
Mash the garlic and apply it on the entire face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and rinse the area with lukewarm water. Garlic contains antibiotic ingredients that are known to heal pimples and to shrink the enlarged pores.

Cinnamon and lemon mask
Mix the cinnamon with 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice. Apply it on the pimple and leave it to dry / it usually takes not more than 5 minutes/. Cleanse the area with water and apply hydrating face cream.

Mask of grated potato
Apply grated potato on the affected area and leave it on for 25 minutes. The potato will dry out the pimples, it is also effective on whiteheads and blackheads.

Mask of squeezed yoghurt and triturated aspirin
Squeeze 1 cup yoghurt and triturate 2 tablets aspirin. Mix well and apply to the face and neck for about 15 minutes. The mask whitens and peels the skin, tightens the enlarged pores and has anti-bacterial effect.

Mask of mashed tomatoes and flour
You will need 2 tomatoes and 4 tbsp flour. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the skin for 5 minutes. The mask tightens the pores, removes the redness of the skin. If you do it twice a week you can reduce the number of red marks on the skin.

Nourishing mask with honey
Apply honey to the whole face with circular motions until it becomes thick. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse well with lukewarm water. The honey nourishes and hydrates the skin, leaving it soft and glowing.

The Fruit Masks

The best way to achieve amazing skin and body

Before applying the mask, the skin has to be clean and free of all traces of makeup, oils or creams. Most of the cleaning masks have to be applied thinly over the skin; you should feel comfortable and warm.

contains amounts of different chemicals and is thought to have some health benefits. The lemons also contain significant amounts of citric acid and that why they have a low pH and a sour taste. They also contain Vitamin C which is essential to human health and beauty. Lemon has been touted in alternative medicine
as a tonic for the digestive system, immune system and the skin. The lemon acid tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, cleanse the oily and unclean skin.

Lemon mask for every skin type
Mix lemon juice, honey and cold milk and stir well. Apply on the face and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm water and apply moisturizing cream. The lemon mask refreshes the skin and lightens the skin color.

Lemon mask for tired, aging skin
You will need one yolk of egg, 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Squeeze the juice from the lemon in a blender and add the other ingredients. Mix them well and apply the mixture onto the face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. The mask is recommended for blemished aging skin. It smooth and calm the skin.

Lemon mask for oily skin with enlarged pores and wrinkles
You will need fresh lemon juice, white of eggs, 2 Tbs flour. Beat the eggs whites stiff and then put the flour and the lemon juice and mix well. Apply to the entire face and the neck. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse well. Apply a moisturizing cream at the end. The mask will make your complexion clear and will tighten up the pores.

Lemon for stronger nails
Mix 3 Tbs of lemon juice, 1 Tbs liquid soap and liter mineral water. Soak your hands in the mixture. Soak for about 10 minutes. The lemon juice will straighten the nails and the soap will soften the skin.

Kiwi fruits
Contain huge amounts of acids and vitamins and are the richest fruit in Vitamin C. Its potassium content by weight is slightly less than that of a banana. It also contains vitamins A and vitamin E which are essential for a healthy body. The kiwi juice tightens up the enlarged pores, remove the sheen of the oily skin, cleanse the dark spots and the impurities and also peel the freckles.

A Kiwi mask for dry, worn and ill-nourished skin
You will need 1 Tbs kiwi juice, 1 Tbs olive oil and 1 yolk of egg. Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask using a sponge. The kiwi juice will stimulate the blood circulation and the mask will smooth, nourish and calm the skin.

Tangerines are a good source of vitamin C, foliate and beta-carotene. They also contain some potassium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B2 & B which nourish and rejuvenate every skin type.

Tangerine juice for rejuvenation of the skin
After you have cleansed and dry your face, you can rub in a tangerine juice all over the face. Leave the juice till it becomes dry and rinse with cold water. Apply a moisturizer.

Tangerine mask for dry skin
Mix the tangerine juice together with yolk of egg. Apply on the skin and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water. The mask cleanse the skip deep and the skin becomes soft and with clear complexion.

Tangerine mask for oily skin with enlarged pores
Beat the eggs whites until they become stiff, add 2 Tbs tangerine juice and mix well. Leave on for about 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. The mask is recommended for deep cleansing of the pores and helps remove the outer dead skin cells from the face.

The grapefruit is an excellent fruit as for losing weight as wells as for embellishment. It contains fructose, acids, minerals and many vitamins as vitamin A, C, D.

Grapefruit juice for unclean skin with dark spots
Squeeze the juice from a grapefruit and rub on the juice all over the face. Leave it on till it becomes dry. Wipe it off with rosewater or cleaning milk.

Grapefruit mask for tired skin with enlarged pores
Mix the grapefruit juice and mineral water. Pour the mixture in a bottle. Spread it on the face both in the morning and in the evening. Leave it on till it becomes dry and rinse with hot water.

Grapefruit mask that protects from wrinkles and flabby skin
You will need 1 Tbs grapefruit juice, yoghurt, 1 Tbs juice of carrot and ground rice. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture onto the face, the neck, the neckline and the bust. Leave it to function 40/50 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The mask stimulates the circulation, tightens the skin and diminishes the cellulite.

Oranges contain essential oil, vitamin A, B, C, D and PP. The orange juice stimulates the cellular metabolism and renovates the skin. The orange juice tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, feed up the skin and protects it from wrinkles and fine lines.

Orange mask against wrinkles, oily skin with enlarged and clogged pores
Mix two level teaspoons of orange juice, carrot juice, yoghurt and ground rice. Leave on for about 30 minutes and rinse well.

Orange mask for every skin types
Rub in the skin with fresh orange juice 2/3 times a day, leave it on the face till it becomes dry and rinse well with hot water. The orange juice is nourishing and has been known to be beneficial in helping to dry oils and clear the complexion.

Coffee exfoliation
You will need 2 tbs of fine coffee grounds and 1 tbs milk. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the whole body, including the face. Massage for about 5 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The coffee grounds will gently firm and tone your skin. The exfoliation removes the dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and silky.

Anti-ageing mask of banana
You will need 1 small banana, 2 tbsp oat flour. Mash the banana, add the oat flour and 1 tbs water/or rose water/. Stir to mix well. Apply the mask to the face and neck and leave it to dry for about 20 minutes. Remove the mask using cotton pads and rinse with lukewarm water. The mask will leave your skin clean and smooth.

Tightening face mask
You will need: 1 white of egg, 1 tbs honey, 1tbsp flour. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the face using a cotton pad. Avoid the eyes area. Leave the mask to dry for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask with cold water and apply moisturizer. The mask will clean the clogged pores and will tighten them, leaving the skin fresh and tight.

Nourishing face mask
You will need: 1 yolk of egg, 1tbs honey, 1 tbs face cream / almond oil/, 1 tbs milk. Mix the ingredients well and apply to wet face. Leave the mask until it get dry/ usually 25 minutes/. Remove the mask with water and apply moisturizer.

Infusion of basil, chamomile and dill
It will remove the swelling under the eyes. Boil 1tbs basil, 2 tbsp chamomile , 1 tbsp dill with one cup water. Wait for 5 minutes until it cools, strain and apply to the eyes using tampons. Lie on a bad and relax.

Mask of grated war potato and milk
Grate one potato, add 2 tbsp flour and 2 tbsp milk. Apply the mixture to the face and neck and leave it for about 15 minutes. The mask will whiten the dark spots on the face; it’ll remove the bags under the eyes and soften the skin.

Mask for oily skin of rye-bread
Soak a slice of rye-bread in hot water, then apply it to the face and after 10 minutes rinse your face first with hot water and then with lukewarm water. The mask of rye-bread will cleanse the blackheads, especially on the nose and forehead and shrink the pores.

The Way To Wash Your Face Properly


Cleanse your face thoroughly before going to bed and morning

Cleansing your face every day is essential , no problem your age or skin type. When you wash your face you remove any impurities, makeup residue and oil which if not removed may lead to some serious skin problems – clogged pores (blackheads), whiteheads, pimples, spots etc.
Nowadays there is a wide range of facial cleansers – foams, gels, creams designed for every skin type from oily to hypersensitive. The cleansers gently clean the skin without irritating it, they remove all the impurities – dirt, oil, that have accumulated during the day or during the night, leaving the skin clean, tight and soft.

It ’s essential to choose a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type and for your skin ’s needs. Those women with combination or oily skin should look for a stronger cleanser containing oil-absorbing ingredients; those with dry or sensitive skin should look for a milder formula with more nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.
It ’s crucial to select skincare products that are oil-free (don ’t contain oil), non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores), hypoallergenic (won ’t irritate the skin) and non-acnegenic (won’t cause acne). Today most of the facial cleansers contain many active ingredients – alpha hydroxyl acids, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, essential oil, vitamins, minerals, glycerin, collagen, elastic, sodium laurite sulfate.

You should wash your face at least twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) in order to keep your skin clear and flawless.

Step One. Wash your hands
Wash your hands every time before cleansing your face, applying makeup or touching your face. If your hands are dirty you may rub bacteria or dirt onto your skin. Use an antibacterial soap and gently wash your hands with lukewarm water.

Step Two. Tie your hair
Tie your hair – this way it will be more comfortable for you when you wash your face.

Step Three. Remove your makeup

Remove your makeup with a mild makeup remover. Although facial cleansers remove all kind of makeup effectively you had better remove it prior to washing your face. Choose a mild makeup remover that suits your skin type and first remove the eye makeup.

Step Four. Wet your face
Splash your face with lukewarm water to prepare your skin for the cleanser and to open your pores for a deeper cleansing.

Step Five. Apply the cleanser

Place a small amount (a dime-size) of the cleansing product on your palm or to a washcloth.
Using your fingertips or a brush gently rub the cleanser all over your face. Make sure you cover all areas – chin, forehead, nose, cheeks, neck. Massage your face with gentle circular motions for a minute. Remember: never remove the cleanser immediately after you apply it – let it penetrate your skin for a few minutes (it usually takes one/ two minutes).

Step Six. Rinse your face
Rinse your face to remove the cleanser. Splash your face with water several times until you feel that the cleanser has rinsed off completely. You can use a face sponge, a muslin cloth or cotton pads to remove the cleansing product.

Step Seven. Splash your face with cold water
Rinse your face with cold water to close the open pores and to improve your blood circulation.

Step Eight. Gently blot your face
Pat your face with a clean towel.

Step Nine. Tone your skin.
If your skin is oily or combination it’s crucial to use a facial toner. The toners remove any traces of makeup, dirt and oil that your cleanser may have missed. They also reduce pores, eliminate oil and refine the skin. What they do in addition to making your skin feel tighter, is prepare the skin for the moisturizer.

Step Ten. Moisturize your skin
Apply a moisturizer or a hydrating face cream every time after washing your face to moisturize your face. Again make sure the moisturizer is appropriate for your skin type.

Useful Beauty Tips:

  • Washing your face twice a day is a must in order to keep your skin clear.
  • Never use bar soaps to wash your face as they tend to dry out the skin.
  • Never wash your face with hot or too cold water – you may irritate your skin.
  • Never over-cleanse your skin.
  • Avoid cleansing products containing alcohol or any harsh chemicals.
  • Always remove your makeup before you wash your face.
  • Remember: hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and irritated.
  • Always apply the cleansing products to a wet face.
  • Always make sure you have removed all traces of the cleanser, otherwise it can irritate your skin.
  • Never rub your skin.
  • Always make sure the cleansing product is appropriate for your skin type.
  • Wash your face at least twice a day.
  • Always apply moisturizer after washing your face.
  • Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week with a mild exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells.
  • It’s best to wash your face with lukewarm water rather than with hot or cold water.
  • Avoid using strong or harsh cleansers and toners.
  • Cream based cleansers are appropriate for the winter months as they moisturize the skin.
  • If your skin is sensitive choose a fragrance-free cleanser.
  • If your skin is oily look for a water-based cleanser in gel or foam formula.
  • If your skin is dry look for a cream cleanser that moisturizes your skin.

Way to use facial masks

Facial masks

The facial masks are probably the easiest way to maintain a beautiful and healthy skin. There are different types of masks appropriate for different skin types. When applying a mask once or twice a week your skin will be smoother, softer and cleaner. Your can reduce blemishes, remove blackhead and whiteheads, minimize the appearance of pores.

Aftereffect of masks are :
-remove the excess oil
-refine pores and minimize the appearance of pores
-cleanse and nourish the skin
-reduce skin irritation
-smooth and calm the skin
-moisturize the skin
-soften the skin
-reduce the number of blackheads and whiteheads
-lighten skin color
-refresh the skin
-stimulate blood circulation


Things You'll use:

  • Washcloths
  • Clay-based Face Masks
  • Facial Mud Mask
  • Moisturizing Facial Masks
  1. Step 1

Use your fingers to spread a thin coating of the mask evenly over your skin. Avoid eye
area and lips.
  1. Step 2

Leave mask on as long as directed. Try not to laugh or smile while it's drying.

  1. Step 3

Remove a mud mask with a hot, wet washcloth. Pat face dry with a towel.

  1. Step 4

Wipe off a moisturizing or replenishing mask with a tissue.

  1. Step 5

Peel off a gel mask, starting at the forehead and moving down.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you have combination skin, you may want to apply a mud mask only over the T-zone, which is the center of forehead, nose, chin and center of cheeks.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you may wish to test the mask on another skin patch, such as the inside of the elbow. Wait 24 hours to make sure there is no adverse reaction before using the mask on your face.
  • Avoid contact with eyes, as many masks contain acne medication or other irritating ingredients.

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