Eating Habits Can Make You Happier

Many people seeking help for mental health issues look first to chemical intervention in the form of a medication. There is another chemical intervention which you can utilize yourself - your diet. Having a healthy diet is crucial when trying to fight for your mental health, especially where mood disorders are concerned. How can dietary changes affect depression, anxiety and mood swings?

by & shine

Good mental health is about maintaining balance, in your thoughts, in your actions and especially in your emotions. When addressing nutrition for mental health it is important to understand how food nourishes and fuels your body as well as the part it plays in providing your body with necessary nutrients for maintaining that balance that it is important for peace of mind.

1. Complex Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy. Your body will burn carbohydrates first before turning to protein or fats. A lack of energy sources in the body will result in the body shutting down and altering activity levels. People who are chronically tired often feel sad and hopeless as a result. To keep your emotions on an even keel it is important to have a slow steady stream of carbohydrates broken down and made available in the bloodstream for energy.

People struggling with depression and/or mood swings often rely heavily on simple carbohydrates (sugars) rather than complex carbohydrates (starches). Simple carbohydrates (candies, table sugar, honey, sodas, fruits, milk products) break down quickly in the bloodstream and hit it with a bang that provides immediate energy. This is why they are preferred by people with depression. However, what goes up must come down, usually with the same speed and intensity. The surge of energy is followed by a crash when the sugar is quickly burned up. This crash exacerbates depression, fatigue, impaired concentration and memory and irritability. However, all simple carbohydrates are not equal. There is a difference between the simplest carbohydrates like table sugar, sodas and candies which are referred to as "empty calories" because they provide so much glucose, an easily broken down form of sugar, and no nutritional value. Compare these with fruits and milk products whose sugars (fructose and galactose respectively) are somewhat harder to break down, enter the bloodstream a bit more gradually and have a somewhat milder crash and provide significant nutrition such as vitamin C and calcium. If you are craving something sweet have an apple or orange rather than a candy bar.

Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, starchy vegetables and beans) are even harder for the body to metabolize and provide and slow, constant stream of fuel for the body's energy demands. This avoids the peaks and crashes of the simple carbohydrates. Whole grains also provide lots of B vitamins which calm and stabilize the mood and help your body metabolize carbohydrates for increased energy.

2. Proteins

It is important to eat high quality proteins like chicken, fish, turkey, soy, dairy products and beans. (I am a very big fan of beans. They are usually high in protein, low in fat and high in fiber.) Proteins are made of amino acids. Your body uses amino acids to make neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemicals (like serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and GABA) are the chemicals which antidepressants and anxiolytics (anti-anxiety medications) seek to increase to improve your mood and calm you. Chicken and turkey are also high in tryptophan, which the body also uses to make serotonin, one of the primary neurotransmitters for lifting and calming the mood. Running short on these neurotransmitters results in depression, irritability, difficulty thinking and remembering, insomnia, fatigue and anxiety. Having sufficient stores of these neurotransmitters available to the brain helps it regulate emotions and thinking. Providing your body with the necessary ingredients to manufacture these neurotransmitters is vital for improving your mental health and keeping things in balance.

3. Fats

The benefits of a low fat diet for fighting weight gain and heart disease have been highly touted. However, many don't realize that limiting your fat intake too severely of healthy fats can result in serious mood changes, irritability and aggression. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish have been found to help stabilize mood swings and decrease stress. "Good fats" burn clean in the bloodstream compared to "bad fats" which clog the arteries and narrow the blood vessels. Good fats include olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocadoes and fish. Exchange that fried chicken for a grilled salmon. Replace a mayonnaise dressing with an olive oil and vinegar splash.

4. Caffeine

It's always amazing to me to find people struggling with serious anxiety problems who are still drinking a significant amount of caffeine everyday. Since I don't drink caffeine on a regular basis I have no tolerance for it and it literally makes me shake when I do drink it. I can't imagine throwing that in on top of an anxiety problem. If anxiety is the problem, I would eliminate caffeine all together and see if it helps.

For people with mood disorders, caffeine provides a serious rush of energy, but like simple carbohydrates (sugars) you crash when it wears off. This peak and crash pattern is not good for people trying to stabilize mood swings and the crash will exacerbate depressive symptoms.

Exercises for Weight Loss

Weight loss exercises to lose Weight Naturally
by medsavailable

1. Brisk Walking/Tranquil Stroll :
Walking is the easiest and best way to kick start your weight loss program. A brisk, 45 minute walk, in the morning is beneficiary. A sigh of relief in a fresh ‘air’ do wonders in reducing up the 'Weight` but is a slow and gradual exercise that demands time in particular. In order to see `Visible` results one has to keep patience to let this exercise do its work for your stomach weight. A frequent result can only be achieved if one is punctual enough to leave home every day early in the morning. Sudden results our non-beneficiary for such form of work-out? Your metabolism start kicking off once again as soon as there is a daily rhythm of the number of steps one walks (takes a `Sprint) or might `Jog` around because it has been proven that `Jogging` is 100 times better than just having a `Sprint` for a while, it could be beneficial if the time or the length of the route can be increased because the more you walk for a longer distance the better will be the digestive system with reduced weight due to burning of `Calories` in abundance.

2. Aerobics:
Aerobics involve the `Dancing` of the human body on a `Music`! The voluntary and involuntary movements of the human body defines the `Perfection` and the elasticity with subtleness to reduce `Weight` in a form of burn-out exercises for longer hours with less `Food intake` before different preparation procedures. It is a great way to unwind and burn those extra calories. The two main types of aerobics are `hard impact aerobics` and `low impact aerobics`. To reduce `Weight` instantly through such procedure `One` has to exercise rigorously till `One` gets completely exhausted and starts perspiring a lot. There are indeed! Different `Mediums` for different demands and wants of people to reduce `Weight`! `Women` as such must do `Light Impact Aerobics` whereas `Men` can exercise rigorously to achieve the specific target of `Weight Loss`! Special Aerobic schools/institutions are been run for various categories available in-hand.

3. Swimming :
To reduce `Weight` through ‘swimming’ is a recreational or refreshment criteria as some are ‘professionals` of swimming with extreme firm belly with six packs abdominals whereas others take it as fun to visit a swimming pool or to swim in near by `Beaches or seas, oceans,` etc. Try to stretch the body with every organ stretched to its limit as in swimming there isn’t a specific portion i.e. left unfocused by one but is stretched and focused as far as possible to remain inside the ‘water’ for a longer span of time. Doing just a few laps of the pool will give a whole body workout and burn those extra calories. Hit the water surface for 30 minutes continuously and keep an eagle eye on what you eat immediately after having a `Swim`?

4. Gymnasium with Hot Spa :
A good gym routine consists of cardio vascular exercise, strength training and flexibility training in order to tone the body. Work-outs at gymnasium requires step-by-step tricks and techniques through the exerciser by the `Instructor`/personal trainer to instruct you systematic arrangement of exercise needed for reducing extra weight of the body. Chain pulling; push-ups; chilling; light weight aerobic gymnasium, weight-lifting, etc are the number of exercises that relates to gymnasium and `Hot Spa` helps burn calories or bulges coming out from the stomach area in a hot bating room available. A `Treadmill` is the most important tool for any exerciser to run over and over again after certain gaps from other related exercises and decrease the `Laziness or drowsiness` from the body very easily. Please! Follow the diet chart.

5. Playing Sports :
‘Sport’ requires physical activity as well as mental stability to burn out that extra weight from your body because there are different variations in playing different sort of `Sports` people fancy the most and these variations define the stability of continuing a specific sport for a specific personality for ex: Cricket requires running in excess; Playing squash in a room; Kab-badi, river-rafting; badminton; Lawn and Table Tennis, etc. are some of those examples that help reduce the `Obesity` with remarkable results in-hand. They are rather defined as `Outdoor and Indoor` games availability.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning



by ehow

Approximately 26 percent of the population of the United States contracts a form of food poisoning each year, costing billions of dollars. The best way to avoid the often severe and sometimes life-threatening discomfort caused by food poisoning is to prevent it in the first place.

  1. Step 1

    Wash your hands thoroughly before handling any food products. This is especially important if you have been handling live or organic matter, such as pets or pet waste.

  2. Step 2

    Ensure all cutting boards, knives, cooking utensils and surfaces that your food will come into contact with have been thoroughly sterilized with antibacterial soap prior to use.

  3. Step 3

    Wash all raw fruits and vegetables before you eat them. Bear in mind that alfalfa sprouts, in particular, can be difficult to clean thoroughly. It is best to buy them in ready-to-eat form, if possible.

  4. Step 4

    Ensure that any food coming from an animal source (meat, eggs, dairy) has been pasteurized or thoroughly cooked all the way through before consumption. If a restaurant serves you undercooked meat or eggs, send it back and make sure your corrected order comes on a new plate.

  5. Step 5

    Thaw foods in the refrigerator, not at room temperature. Do not let animal-based foods (meat, eggs, dairy) sit at room temperature for an extended period, cooked or not.

  6. Step 6

    Refrigerate leftovers promptly. To prevent the possibility of infection, thoroughly re-heat all leftovers before you eat them.

  7. Step 7

    Exercise caution when selecting and preparing fish and shellfish products. Choose the freshest possible products when purchasing them, and make sure to follow cooking directions to their fullest. Fish can be a source of some of the most dangerous types of food poisoning.

  8. Step 8

    Prevent the drippings, juices or blood of meat products from coming into contact with other foods. Understand safe meat storage practices. Meat from different sources (such as chicken, beef and pork) should not be stored atop or even directly beside one-another. Keep the chicken with the chicken, the beef with the beef and the pork with the pork, in separate storage areas.

  9. Step 9

    Understand safe home-canning procedures if you want to make your own jams, jellies, pickles or other canned goods. Contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture for a detailed outline of safe canning procedures (see Resources below).

  10. Step 10

    Read the label. Proper storage instructions will be included. Follow them exactly. Check expiration dates both before you buy and before you eat, particularly when dealing with meat products.

How to protect children from the sun?


Begin NOW to teach your children to follow the "ABCs for FUN in the SUN."

A = AWAY. Stay away from the sun in the middle of the day.

B = BLOCK. Use SPF15 or higher sunscreen.

C = COVER UP. Wear a T-shirt and a hat.

S = SPEAK OUT. Talk to family and friends about sun protection.

Stay AWAY from the midday sun and its intense rays. Schedule play times and outdoor activities before 10:00 A.M. and after 4:00 P.M. (daylight savings time 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.). The sun's energy is greatest when it travels through less atmosphere at midday. Sun exposure is more intense closer to the equator, in the mountains, and in the summer. The sun's damaging effects are increased by reflection from water, white sand, and snow.

Avoid long periods of direct sun exposure. Sit or play in the shade, especially when your shadow is shorter than you are tall.

Avoid sunburn. Be aware of the length of time you are in the sun. It may take only 15 minutes of midday summer sun to burn a fair-skinned person.




Severe sunburns may be related to the development many years later of the most dangerous kind of skin cancer called melanoma. Melanomas can develop in all age groups, including teenagers and young adults. Melanomas can spread to other parts of the body and are potentially fatal.

Built-up invisible sun damage can lead to skin cancer. Basal cell skin cancers usually develop in middle and later life, but can appear as early as the teenage years. These cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body. However, their continuous destruction of skin and underlying structures makes their removal necessary. Squamous cell skin cancers can spread to other parts of the body if they are not treated early.

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