Treating The Common Cold


With more than two hundred different viruses around us at any one time, it is near impossible to escape colds. A person is considered to be suffering from a cold if the membranes lining the nose and/ or throat are infected and become inflamed or irritated.
When you start experiencing the physical symptoms of the common cold, the virus has probably been active in your body for up to four days. Sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, fever and muscle fatigue are just some of these unwelcome symptoms.
What is frustrating is that even though you fastidiously pop the pills prescribed by the doctor, you cannot hasten your full recovery. The cold continues to run its course of seven to 10 days. This is because there is no medical cure for the common cold, although various types of medicine have been used to make the victim feel better.
Antihistamines are commonly given for a runny nose and frequent sneezing. They act by countering the effects of histamines, which make the blood vessels in the nose inflamed and dilated, leading to swelling. This irritation in the nose goes on to because sneezing fits. Most antihistamines can cause drowsiness, so be careful not to drive or operate heavy machinery when taking them.
Expectorant cough medicines can bring relief if you have a dry cough or one which brings up a lot of phlegm. For fever or body ache which comes with the cold, some painkillers prescribed by the doctor will do the job.Congestion in the nasal passage may be relieved to a large extent if you are suffering from a stuffy nose. Put one or two drops of peppermint oil into a basin of steaming water. Cover your head and basin with a towel and inhale the peppermint steam.
Although never scientifically proven, Vitamin C seems to speed up recovery for sufferers of the common cold. Remember to eat extra fruits during convalescence and drink at least ten glasses of water to replace fluids lost when you blow your nose.But the surest cure is really to hop into bed, pull up the blanket and sleep it off

Five Good Reasons


Why You May need Vitamin Supplements

Most people believe that if they keep to a well balanced diet, it would provide them with the necessary vitamins and minerals for good health. Ideally this is the case, but in today’s fast paced world, it may be prudent to take vitamin supplements to optimize the dietary sources for nutrients.

1. Overcooking
Lengthy cooking or reheating of meat and vegetables can oxidize and destroy heat-susceptible vitamins like B and C, as well as many minerals. Vitamins like B6, for example, can be destroyed by irradiation from microwaves.
2. Smoking
Smoking, whether directly or indirectly via passive smoking, increases the body’s need for vitamin C. Found in fruits like pineapples, kiwi fruits and papayas, the vitamin oxidizes quickly once the fruits are cut, juiced, cooked or stored in direct light or close to heat. Vitamin C is important to boost the body’s immunity.

3. Inefficient Digestion
Poor digestion can be an obstacle to the body’s vitamin intake. Common causes of inefficient digestion are not chewing well enough or eating too quickly. Some food particles may be too large to allow complete action by digestive enzymes. People with dentures may also face this problem.

4. Hot Liquids
Downing liquids which are too hot may cause inflammation of the digestive linings, resulting in reduced digestive fluids which are required to extract vitamins and minerals from the food we eat. Coffee, tea and other beverages with excess irritants can also aggravate the linings.

5. Stress
The vitamin B group is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Stress can increase the body’s requirement for vitamins B and D, and folic acid

The Juicy Benefits


Scientific studies have shown that certain juices can indeed offer protective health benefits. But that doesn’t mean, however, that drinking more juice will make you healthier. As with most things in life, moderation is the key. Fruit and vegetable juices are fantastic thirst quenchers and the best alternative to pure drinking water. So skip the carbonated sugar-loaded packet drinks and do your body a favor.

Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice has received a great deal of attention in recent years for its health benefits. it is a rich source of antioxidants and has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol-the bad, artery-clogging cholesterol. It may also slow the development of prostate cancer in men. Another study found that pomegranate juice may increase blood flow to the heart in people with some forms of heart disease.

Orange Juice
The iconic breakfast drink may help prevent recurrences of painful kidney stones. A study has found that a daily glass of orange juice can reduce the incidence of kidney stones better than other citrus drinks, such as lemonade.

Grapefruit Juice
Grapefruit doesn’t only contain vitamin C, which is commonly known to be protective against colds or flu. It is not just one nutrient that helps prevent a certain disease, but rather the combination of several ingredients in it that does the trick. This juicy fruit contains citric acid, natural sugars, essential oils like limonene, pinene and citral. It has high amounts or vitamin C, and smaller amounts of vitamin A, B complex, E and K.

Apple Juice
Apples have always being considered part of a healthy diet. They also contain important antioxidants that help protect the body from injury, including the injuries caused by eating fat in your diet. The antioxidants work by preventing the oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL), or bad cholesterol, and guard your body against chronic heart disease.

Lips Care and Protection

plus exercises to get fuller and sexier
Lips have only three to five layers of skin cells compared to 15 over rest of the body. So you need to take care of your lips and protect them, much more than you do for the rest of your body. Essentially, protect your lips against the environment just like you would protect your skin, with moisturizers, sunscreen at all. It might be a good idea, however, to avoid regular usage of lip-balms that are petroleum-based, as these are addictive. So look for balms that are non-petroleum based.
Here is an exercise that will give your mouth a younger, firmer and fuller look altogether! The Lips get enlarged and the lines above the upper lip smoothen. You can do it while sitting up or lying down.

- Hold your lips together, without clenching your teeth.
- Put the tip of your index finger in between your upper and lower lips.
- Press lips together and visualize your finger as a stick that is being crushed.
- Gradually, pull out your finger from between the lips, while seeing the stick.
- Draw the energy point out and lengthen your imaginary stick until you feel the burn.
- Pulse your finger up and down quickly for a count of 30.
Do the pout exercise twice daily to plump up thin lips

Scrub a Dub

Scrubbing is one of the best ways to smoothen your skin and remove dead skin cells. But make sure that you scrub your skin gently to avoid harsh irritation. Those granules that are in facial scrubs remove the dead top layers of skin and unclog pores to make your skin smooth and glowing. Before you exfoliate you should determine your skin type first.
Here’s how you can find out which category your skin falls into:

Step 1:
Rinse your face with a mild cleanser for normal skin.

Step 2:
Pat dry and observe if your skin feels ‘tight’. if it does, you probably have dry skin.

Step 3:
Also notice your pores. Oily skin will tend to have large pores, while dry skin will tend to have smaller pores. Combination skin will show large pores on the T-zone area, but smaller pores on the cheek area.

Step 4:
Finally, take a piece of tissue and blot your face. Look out for flaky or oily residue. Dry skin can leave a flaky residue, while oily skin might produce oil spots.

For Normal/Combination Skin
- Look for a scrub with medium
-size granules to stop oil.
- Look for a scrub that has light moisturizers like soy to hydrate you skin.
- Use it every night.

For Oily Skin
- Look for an oil-free scrub with fruit extract to strip the dull skin.
- Look also for salicylic acid for extra acne control.
- Use it daily.

For Dry Skin
- Look for a scrub with fine granules to gently slough off rough skin.
- it is also good if you use a scrub with jojoba to moisturize
- Use it twice a week at night time.

D.I.Y.Foot Spa

Bedtime PiƱa Colada Callus Treatment

Calluses are those thickened Patches of dead skin that form on your heels and toes. If left unattended, you may develop fissures- extremely painful cracks in the skin-particularly on the backs of your heels. These can bleed and become infected.
Don’t let calluses reach this point. You’ll need to soak your feet, reduce hardened skin with a natural pumice stone and moisturize to rehydrate thirsty feet.

-1 footbath (use a large, clean bucket if you don’t own one)
- 2 to 3 cups pineapple juice
- ½ cup coconut milk
- 1 natural pumice stone
- 1 cotton bath towel
Your favorite good quality moisturizer for extra-dry skin
A pair of 100% cotton socks

1. Add the pineapple juice to the footbath. Pineapple contains a natural enzyme called brome lain, which breaks down hardened skin.
2. Add the coconut milk and stir well.
3. Soak your feet for approximately 8-10 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.
4. Apply the pumice stone to calloused areas and rub gently. Don’t overdo it-you don’t want to irritate or remove too much tender skin.
5. Towel them dry. Apply your favorite moisturizer while your feet are still damp.
6. Put on your cotton socks and wear them through the night as you sleep. You’ll awaken with much softer feet!

To avoid having calluses try wearing closed shoes and sandals rather than open-backed shoes (flip flops or pumps), which slap against the heels and create friction.

The Right Personal Hygiene For Women

All women take care of their personal hygiene in the name of beauty and good health. Although hygiene may mean different things to different women, what is important is that we understand what hygiene actually is.What is feminine hygiene? Feminine hygiene contributes to the overall good health of a woman.

It reveals how a woman takes care of her body every day. Feminine hygiene includes grooming, bathing, and importantly, daily genital cleansing. Even though it cannot be seem, genital hygiene is nevertheless extremely important.Why is feminine hygiene important?

The cycle of menstruation begins in a young woman’s life once she starts ovulating. Menstruation causes many changes in a woman’s body triggered mainly by the production of hormones that cause oil and sweat glands to increase discharge.

Vaginal discharge varies from woman to woman depending on such factors as stress, diet, exercise and genetic makeup. The effect of vaginal discharge at times may be somewhat unpleasant and a cause of discomfort. This is when it is important to ensure that hygiene is managed and maintained.

Some guidelines for managing personal hygiene- Women should start feminine wash every day once you start menstruating.- Avoid vaginal douches as much as possible.- Normal vaginal discharge is clear to milky without bad or foul odor.- Change sanitary napkins regularly as they contain synthetic fibers that can irritate the skin.

Is Aspirin Good for Women?

A study of almost 80,000 women who were followed for more than 20 years suggests that women do indeed benefit from aspirin; the nurses who participated had a lower likelihood of dying of a heart attack if they took aspirin regularly for at least five years. After ten years, they were also less likely to develop cancer.
Doses ranged anywhere from one to 14 standard aspirin tablets a week. some experts have suggested that the optimal dose to protect against heart attacks is around 160 mg daily-half a regular tablet. No one should take aspirin daily without medical supervision, since it can damage the digestive tract and interact with other medications

Yoga for Health


Yoga is one of the oldest forms of exercise. It combines physical stretching with meditation and holding poses to strengthen the mind, body and spirit. Practice them every day for ten minutes or so along with other exercises to maintain a clear mine and a strong body.BreathingPrana Yama is Sanskrit for ‘breathing’. Breathing is very important for yoga and is usually the first step before any yoga exercises. Try to breath in a rhythmic pattern counting to three as you breath in and three as you breath out.RelaxationThe Chile’s Pose is a relaxation pose that stretches the back and upper thigh muscles. Stretch your back and arms forward and side-to-side. It is a good posse to do between more difficult poses.Tree poseThe Tree Pose, or Urksasana, is good for your abdomen muscles and your balance. Raise your hands above your head and then bring them out to your sides lightly touching your thumb to your middle or index finger.Legs up the wallLegs Up the Wall is a good posse that stretches your leg and back muscles. Focus on breathing and try to clear your mind of any worries or troubles.YOGA THERAPY CAN TREAT:Anxiety, Arthritis, Back pain, bad posture, Blood pressure, Broken bones, Fatigue, Headaches, Heart problems, Herniated Disks, Insomnia, Knee pain, Muscle stiffness, Neck pain, Post-surgery rehabilitation, Respiratory discomfort, Sacroiliac pain, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Weak joints, Weight problems and more…
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