Treating The Common Cold

With more than two hundred different viruses around us at any one time, it is near impossible to escape colds. A person is considered to be suffering from a cold if the membranes lining the nose and/ or throat are infected and become inflamed or irritated.
When you start experiencing the physical symptoms of the common cold, the virus has probably been active in your body for up to four days. Sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, fever and muscle fatigue are just some of these unwelcome symptoms.
What is frustrating is that even though you fastidiously pop the pills prescribed by the doctor, you cannot hasten your full recovery. The cold continues to run its course of seven to 10 days. This is because there is no medical cure for the common cold, although various types of medicine have been used to make the victim feel better.
Antihistamines are commonly given for a runny nose and frequent sneezing. They act by countering the effects of histamines, which make the blood vessels in the nose inflamed and dilated, leading to swelling. This irritation in the nose goes on to because sneezing fits. Most antihistamines can cause drowsiness, so be careful not to drive or operate heavy machinery when taking them.
Expectorant cough medicines can bring relief if you have a dry cough or one which brings up a lot of phlegm. For fever or body ache which comes with the cold, some painkillers prescribed by the doctor will do the job.Congestion in the nasal passage may be relieved to a large extent if you are suffering from a stuffy nose. Put one or two drops of peppermint oil into a basin of steaming water. Cover your head and basin with a towel and inhale the peppermint steam.
Although never scientifically proven, Vitamin C seems to speed up recovery for sufferers of the common cold. Remember to eat extra fruits during convalescence and drink at least ten glasses of water to replace fluids lost when you blow your nose.But the surest cure is really to hop into bed, pull up the blanket and sleep it off


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