How to protect children from the sun?

Begin NOW to teach your children to follow the "ABCs for FUN in the SUN."

A = AWAY. Stay away from the sun in the middle of the day.

B = BLOCK. Use SPF15 or higher sunscreen.

C = COVER UP. Wear a T-shirt and a hat.

S = SPEAK OUT. Talk to family and friends about sun protection.

Stay AWAY from the midday sun and its intense rays. Schedule play times and outdoor activities before 10:00 A.M. and after 4:00 P.M. (daylight savings time 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.). The sun's energy is greatest when it travels through less atmosphere at midday. Sun exposure is more intense closer to the equator, in the mountains, and in the summer. The sun's damaging effects are increased by reflection from water, white sand, and snow.

Avoid long periods of direct sun exposure. Sit or play in the shade, especially when your shadow is shorter than you are tall.

Avoid sunburn. Be aware of the length of time you are in the sun. It may take only 15 minutes of midday summer sun to burn a fair-skinned person.


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